This game is extremely bugged. The network timeout and you loose everything you done/found and enters a “time warp” where you loose 100+ of XP and found agents. I have lost hundred of dollars of stuff in this game and the developer simply don’t do anything. Why should they? They got our money and thing they are safe from Apple/Google.
Like many “free to play” games, this games seems to work in the beginning. When you have more facilities and perks in the game: then the problems start. The developers hope that “well: You have invested hundred of dollars and hours in this game so you are stuck. Ha ha ha”
This game is almost 100% “pay to win” with some insane players that have plonked down way over 5000 dollars on their agents = they can’t be beaten unless you spend more.
Legendary agents are pay only. Usually 100-150 dollar for an agent. Its heartbreaking to see opponents that have bought 16 of them = how can anyone sane compete?
Avoid this. The developer simply hate us.
I tried for month to get support or at least get compensated for all the stuff I lost in the game thanks to their syncing issues, but no. “we will look into it”.
I have hundred of screenshots of time warps where my agent have lost hundreds of XP and stuff. (1 XP is 5 min. So.. Imagine loosing hundreds. Either pay 2 dollars for an energy shot and regain it or wait 5+ hours. The developers just laugh)
Shompa80 about James Bond: World of Espionage